Call Toll-Free for Reservations 1-800-263-5466

We are giving 10% discount on all out-of-town orders to and from YYZ, as long as the orders are pre booked with our office

Airline Limo Is Available for Passengers Fares from Niagara or Buffalo Airport Travelling to the Greater Toronto Area Call Us for Prices!

Our Rates

In the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), rates are predetermined based on the time and distance of your travel. For regions not listed on the rate cards, the fare will be $2.01/km for limousines.

Kindly note that our prices have increased since 1st March 2022.

Click on the area links below for current rates.

Within the GTA

Check out Limo Customs Tariffs – East and West of the Airport.

Outside the GTA

Look into Limo Tariffs – Out-of-Town
(To download one of the above rate cards as a PDF file, left-click on a single link and select ‘Save As’.)

Areas Where We Provide Airport Limo Services